What you should know about Pollen

Where do pollen grains occur?
Trees, weeds, flowers, and grasses produce pollen grains which become airborne as the wind blows. Approximately a quarter of a million plants use the wind for transporting pollen grains. Insects such as bees play a role in the distribution of pollen from plant to plant.

Pollen from different plants occur at different times of the year in the various parts of the country. Your local TV or radio station may report the pollen count on a daily basis. It is important to know the times of pollination in your area so you can implement avoidance measures to reduce your symptoms.

Is exposure limited to the outdoors?
No, you can experience exposure to pollen inside your home. These allergens are carried indoors on our clothing, pets, and they infiltrate through doors and windows.

How can I reduce pollen exposure?

  1. Be informed about the pollen timetable for your area.
  2. During peak seasons, stay inside as much as possible.
  3. Keep windows and doors closed.
  4. Keep clothing worn outside out of your bedroom. Remember, pollen is easily transported on your clothes.
  5. Seal windows with tape to stop infiltration from outside.
  6. Use a high performance filter in your central air system.
  7. Use a room air purifier in your bedroom, play area, or office.
  8. Use a mask when walking, performing housekeeping tasks, grooming pets, or working outside.
  9. Keep pets outside or bathe them frequently.
  10. ADS can be sprayed on a carpets and upholstered furniture to denature pollen grains.